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NAHONS enables public, private, and start-up companies to deal with a range of threats to their reputation through advanced and innovative tools and working methods.


You can call us your personal reputation "bodyguard".
Responsible for the reputation of your company or yourself.

We know how to monitor all the threats to our clients through innovative means, drawing operational conclusions, acting to neutralize or leverage the threat and turning it into a prominent advantage.


Our teams monitor the web using tools and capabilities of OSINT (open-source intelligence) in search of all relevant information that harms the company’s reputation and its stock value, as well as any information that may harm its reputation in the future.

Whether it is information that appears on the main social networks or in groups and forums on niche sites, all the information is scanned, processed, and becomes a detailed report that includes recommendations for immediate implementation and actions at the strategic level. The monitoring activity allows real-time alerts received directly by the decision-makers.

Threat Thwarting

We have influential, legal, and intelligence tools, at our disposal when it comes to thwarting.
Our expertise is to develop an operational program based on unique methodology, individually tailored to each client.

Data Analysis

Information without analysis and inference has no real value. Our intelligence teams scan the data and extract only the relevant components that influence the trends. Actions that damage the company’s image do not usually appear in a single configuration. They are planned as an all-out attack and duration with a significant destructive ability already at the time of their appearance. Time and the ability to respond quickly play a substantial role in a company’s ability to deal with any attack, from any factor and at any time.

DATA Analysis
THREAT Thwarting

Reputation Risk Management

We believe that innovative and focused influencing actions contribute far more to a company's reputation than eliminating negative search results.


While reputation management companies focus on eliminating and removing negative search results, we choose to produce quality content that presents our customers positively to targeted and influential audiences.

Of course, we do not allow negative results to appear, but these actions are only done in addition to promoting the positive content we create.



In parallel with the thwarting operations carried out openly or covertly, we carry out additional procedures that are not in the hands of other civilian authorities. As with any martial art, we know how to use the attacker’s power to our advantage and produce a positive narrative for the client’s benefit. Changing the history and turning the negative sentiment into a positive one completely undermines the attacking efforts and allows the client to grow out of the attack and make it a powerful tool for reversing the negative trend.

Get the whole picture, including operational conclusions, before you consider entering a new country or market.

We use the most advanced intelligence tools; we scan and analyze visible and invisible information, analyze existing and future competitors, challenges, political and business opportunities, and segmentation of internal markets.

After the analysis, we come to the conclusions that can be implemented and allow you to expand your activities to new markets without fear and with full readiness to conquer the market!

Breaking Into
The African Market

Don't be like everyone else!

While everyone works with a local distributor, trusts that he is the one who knows the area and knows how to "navigate the ship" on the unfamiliar continent, you must act differently.

Affiliates are fine, but when you are "blind" to what is going on in the market and receive the information about your marketing and sales efforts from your distributor only, you are also "blind" to the consequences and consequences of its failure. He may lose the money invested in distribution, but you will lose your company's reputation, your global importance, and that you cannot afford!

We provide a unique service that allows you to get close and personal with the emerging markets in Africa, Latin America, and India. Get to know the competitors, the political background, consumption habits, local connections, government authorities, and the most influential people.

But more than that, we will plan the break-in strategy for the local market, which will leave everyone speechless, amazed at the speed and efficiency.

We have a proven way and methodology. We've done it enough times to know we know what we're doing.


Let others talk about you 

While most brands enjoy talking about themselves, in any field, we believe that you, as a brand, must get others to talk about you proactively and professionally.

Other brands have already realized that working through influencers is the most effective way. Over the years, everyone has learned that professional influencers are suitable for certain fields only and undermine brand credibility, we aren't there.

Your reputation is your most valuable, but also most vulnerable, asset.
We possess the latest capabilities and methodology in the field of influence through visible and invisible sources.

we will be happy to be at your service at any time.

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